Process and Materials Sciences Laboratory


Created on January 1, 2011, the LSPM (UPR3407) is a CNRS unit located on the Villetaneuse campus of the University Sorbonne Paris-Nord (USPN), within the Galileo Institute. The unit, composed of researchers and teacher-researchers in process engineering, mechanics, physics and chemistry, has the general objective to develop research in the fields of processes and materials. This research aims to respond to major societal challenges such as energy, transportation and nanotechnology.


Image Cnano 2023 prize awarded to LSPM doctoral student

Image Cnano 2023 prize awarded to LSPM doctoral student

Time-dependent irradiation of crack cells Network of cracks formed on a chromium-copper-molybdenum trilayer metal film on a soft, flexible substrate, following a biaxial tensile test, observed under the microscope. The iridescent colors are linked to the nanometric...

Doctoral student wins 2nd Jacquet 2023 prize

Doctoral student wins 2nd Jacquet 2023 prize

Wafa Alimi, PhD student at the LSPM, was awarded the 2nd Jacquet prize in its 2023 edition. This prize is awarded by the French metallurgy and materials society SF2M, and each year rewards the best electron microscope images nationwide. This year's theme is "Materials...

a start-up project selected by the RISE prematurity program

The ZIBA project, based on technologies developed at LSPM, has been selected for the CNRS RISE program. Led by Pr. Mehrdad NIKRAVECH and his team MINOS, in collaboration with Dr. Hubert Perrot from the Laboratory of Interfaces and Electrochemical Systems (LISE UMR...

Lab Visit

Lab Visit

On March 17, 2023, a delegation, including Senator V. Paoli-Gagin, the Senate's budget rapporteur for research, visited the laboratory to discuss innovation and applications related to lab-grown diamond production. This visit highlighted the ongoing commitment to...