Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux - UPR 3407
99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément 93430 Villetaneuse
Fax : +33 (0)1 49 40 34 14
Senior Engineer
laurent.invernizzi@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-lspm.cnrs.fr
+33 (0)1 49 40 34 27
Poster communications
- ref_biblio
- Alexandra Brisset, M. S. Bieniek, Laurent Invernizzi, J. Walsh, M. Hasan, et al.. O and H production in a He+H 2 O nanosecond pulsed high-voltage plasma, probed with ps-TALIF Kinetics study using 1D fluid modelling. 75th GEC, Oct 2022, Sendai (Japan), Japan. ⟨hal-04917400⟩
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