Process and Material Sciences Laboratory
The LSPM is a research unit that develops fundamental and applied activities on the development of advanced processes and materials.
The specificities of the LSPM are on the one hand its multidisciplinarity (process engineering, mechanics of materials, physics, chemistry) and on the other hand its ambition to understand the various macroscopic properties by the characterization of the phenomena taking place at the smallest scales (nanometer).

Fields of expertise
The processes are chemical and physical plasma film deposition, plasma-surface and plasma-liquid interactions, soft chemistry or high pressure and high temperature processes, and metallurgical processes.
The materials studied experimentally and numerically range from nanostructures/nanomaterials and thin films for various applications (sensors, microelectronics, optics, energy, protective coatings, …) to massive materials also of interest to many areas of industry (transport, defense, energy, structural materials, …).
The means of characterization are numerous and include structural and microstructural, physical and mechanical probes allowing to visualize often in-situ the mechanisms taking place during the solicitation of the elaborated materials as well as during their development.
The LSPM has a complete set of microscopes and diffractometers, laser spectroscopes, multi-scale mechanical testing facilities, …
Behavioral modeling is also a recognized activity of the LSPM which has important numerical means (atomistic, mesoscopic, medium field modeling, …) to address various problems related to the processes and materials studied experimentally.
Multi-physics modeling is also developed and reflects well the multidisciplinary character of the LSPM.