MEM – Mechanics-Environment-Materials coupling

In this theme we are interested in the influence of the environment on the behaviour and degradation of materials, via the phenomena of volume transport of diffusing species and the associated embrittlement mechanisms during thermomechanical stresses. These include hydrogen-material interactions (diffusion, trapping, phase changes, etc.), possibly coupled with significant temperature variations, plasticity and damage. The question of couplings is therefore central to this theme, which has involved the development of appropriate numerical tools for a number of years (several element-finite calculation codes have already reached an advanced level of development: Fortran routines interfaced with the Abaqus calculation code; the python code, Festim, calling the FeNiCS library).

The experimental aspects are also being developed at the LSPM, with mechanical tests combining dihydrogen pressure and temperature, currently being designed at the LSPM.

This theme is strongly supported by existing federations and organisations working in the field of hydrogen, with a growing number of industrial applications: the ITER project at Cadarache (and its Fellowship programme, in which MEM is participating) and the aeronautical industry.)





Cracking in ceramics under thermal shock and the network of cracks formed are of a complicated nature. To study this phenomenon, we have developed non-local and phase-field fracture models capable of predicting both crack creation and propagation. The numerical implementation of these models enables us to directly simulate crack formation and propagation under thermal shock. Comparison with experimental results shows that the periodic and hierarchical structure of the crack network is faithfully reproduced.

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