C4M – Mechanical and Multiscale Behaviour of Metallic Materials
Researchers/Teaching researchers
Sylvain Queyreau (resp)
Radhi Abdelmoula
Brigitte Bacroix
Salma Barboura
Fabien Cazes
Akbar Ghazavizadeh
Fabienne Grégori
Ioan Ionescu
Charlie Kahloun
Jia Li
Umut Salman
Missipsa Aissaoui
Laura Hérard
Margot Lucas
Ayda Majoul
Mathieu Martin-Moyon
Simulation of ductile fracture
EBSD maps (Image Quality and disorientations on the left, orientations on the right) for a FeSi2.4 steel rolled and then annealed at 700° or 760°. It can be seen that the final microstructure and texture are highly dependent on the annealing temperature. The appearance of a fibre texture a = {h,1,1}<1/h,1,2>, associated with optimal magnetic properties, is explained by the high shear observed in certain grains, associated with a strong increase in stored energy, which favours the germination of new grains.
Bacroix et al. 2019, J. Phys. conf. Ser. 1270 012007 https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1270/1/012007.
Visualisation of plasticity-induced grain boundary migration (SIBM) in a polycrystalline aluminium sample, deformed by 3% in tension and then annealed in the SEM at 400°C for 5 hours. Grain boundaries in red correspond to the deformed state and grains in colour to the annealed state after deformation. These observations made it possible to measure the mobility of certain classes of grain boundaries and to validate the classical mobility laws.
Beucia et al, Int. J. Plasticity, 115 (2019), 29-55.